Why New Year is tough for grievers and what to do about it
I had no idea and I recall the first New Year without my son Aaron here, I found myself deeply emotional and my grief was very heavy. I felt totally triggered but I didn’t understand why.
At the time I was in David Kessler’s Tender Hearts Online Grief Support Group. He explained why New Year is one of the...
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20 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep
Poor sleep is a massive problem in our society today. It affects millions of people across the world. Getting a good night’s sleep is not just about how many hours you’re getting, it’s also about the quality of that sleep. How restorative it is and how rested you are during your sleep. A study by ABC Life, indicates that the average adult gets 7 hours of sleep per day. 12% of us are...
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4 Reasons We Procrastinate And How To Break The Pattern
Procrastination is a common pitfall that way too many of us fall into. When we procrastinate, our attention is diverted somewhere else or our time is filled up with meaningless tasks. This means we’re not focusing where we should be and it affects our capacity to get through our work or tasks.
Procrastination can easily become habitual. We form patterns of repeated time-wasting...
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What Grief Actually Feels Like
This is a rare glimpse into the raw, human experience of traumatic grief. The pain rarely spoken about. In an effort to raise awareness and understanding I asked people from around the world who are deeply grieving to describe how it really feels.
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Grief and Optimism
How does an optimist deal with grief?
When my cheeky, charismatic, 18-year-old son Aaron died suddenly in a car accident last year, it felt like the very foundations of my world collapsed from underneath my feet.
My life as I knew it irrevocably shifted in the blink of an eye, one fateful accident, one phone call. ...
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Tips for Managing Anxiety
Do you or someone you care about or work with ever experience ANXIETY? For some, it can be completely overwhelming and affect your quality of life. In this video I share strategies you can use to help calm or quieten your anxiety.
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Get Positive Outcomes & Results
Bad things happen to all of us, it’s part of the human experience and being alive.BUT do you realise that the way you respond to these events, directly determines your outcome and result?
Want to see & learn more?
All videos, expert interviews and more content is available on Creating Changes YouTube Channel....
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10 Tips for Dealing with Anger
Do you always express your anger in a ‘healthy’ way? This video explores what anger is, common causes of anger and most importantly, healthy ways to express it, so that it leaves your body and doesn’t become trapped and build up inside you.
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All videos, expert interviews and more content is...
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Embracing Vulnerability
For many of us, to be vulnerable means to be weak, fearful, hurt and open to betrayal. In western culture we’ve been raised that it’s not polite, or socially acceptable, to display our emotions and pain. As a consequence,
Our society is full of adults that hold, suppress and avoid expressing their emotions and don’t know how to be vulnerable
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